/Your body is amazing and knows exactly what to do and when to do it but one thing the body isn’t used to is the bombardment of toxins. Our world today is full of them, we come into contact with nearly 1000 different chemicals and toxins every day without even knowing it. The world never used to be like this but with the times came more tech, more plastics, more throw away items than ever before and of course the manufacturers were always looking for cheaper ways to make things which meant new chemicals were made to fill this gap.
Your body is not used to this chemical overload, yes our body can detoxify on it owns but not when your system is backed up and clogged full of these toxins. its like being packed in on a train and trying to get that train out of the station without anyone falling out of it. if anyone falls out then they have to go back to the platform and get back in line for the next train. Our body’s detoxification centre is much like this, once toxins are turned away because of a backload of toxins then it reenters the blood stream and causes us to feel sluggish, ill, fatigued and just sick.
To help our body avoid this catastrophe we help by cleansing, through juicing and eating clean. Going on a juice fast gives all our digestive organs a break and lets our body use that extra energy to help detoxify the liver and repair damaged cells in the body. After a juice fast you will feel amazing, so much energy, your skin will be clear, your mind will be clear and there will be a sense of joy and happiness flowing through you. The first few days are hard as the toxins are being eliminated but once you get past those days you'll feel so alive.