5 Ways To Face Your Fears & Be A Confident & Empowered Mother
/Are you a mother that had the idea of raising your children a certain way?
You had things planned, you knew what you were going to do and what you weren’t going to do purely based on seeing other mothers and how they would parent.
You knew you were going to feed a certain way, dress them a certain way and have naps at certain times.
Then your story book ideals of parenting all came crashing down when they arrived.
Your bundle(s) of joy has arrived, nothing is as you expected, life has changed, you’ve changed, now its just about finding the easiest and most convenient way through, over and under the whole parenting gig.
Now motherhood has arrived well and truly and you may have your second and third child, you’ve given your self for so long that you’ve forgotten who you are, you feel like you’ve lost your true essence, like your life path has now become your children’s life path.
On top of the daily so called grind, you’ve also lost your confidence, you find yourself triggered almost daily if not many times a day and you wonder what happened, why did everything go down hill? You feel like you need some direction, a boost of some sort to get you back on track but have no idea where to start. You fear if you make some big moves in your life that things wont work out or that you may fail. You want to study or take a part time job but worry about the children and everything that goes along with those decisions, so you take the easy path and forget about your dreams and any goals you may have once had. You go back to living day in day out, just surviving.
If this is you…I want to tell you its ok, it’s a normal part of waking up, of acknowledging theres things amiss and that you are craving more in your life. Being a mother is the most important job in the world, theres no taking away from that but there is also your own path you need to forge. You should never let anything come between your path as a mother but you should also never let motherhood dictate the rest of your life. You can be joyful, creative, fun, loving, run a business, study, heal, achieve goals and live your true life path and be a mother, it is all possible, all without fear too. Here are some ways to start your journey to having the most enriched life with your children along side you, being the mother you’ve always wanted to be as well as living your dream life…
Everything in your life truly starts with one person, YOU! It’s time to take resposibnilty for everything that happens in your life. You attract everything that is in your life right now, you made all of it happen, whether you were conscious of it or not. Good and bad, happy and sad. Its all energetically come to you for one reason or another. Perhaps you need to learn some lessons or perhaps you were feeling abundant and rich in life and had some money come through. EVERYTHING happens because of you, including your children’s outbursts and cries for attention. All you. Yes, it’s hard to hear but once you start to realise its you that attracts these things into your life you can just as easily start consciously being aware of your actions, thoughts and feelings so you can attract what you truly desire.
HEALING. This is the biggest thing we can do for ourselves and our children. To break the generational cycles of unhealed parenting. To heal and become empowered and intimated adults and in turn teach our children the same thing by leading by example. Healing not only helps you release a lot of old trauma it also helps to lift you up, bring you freedom and help you to become the empowered woman you were born to be. Head to www.lianashanti.com to start with Mother Wound course and then Father Wound and then Life Path to help you uncover your true path. Its the only way to start breaking the cycle that is projected onto the next generation.
Facing your fears is not a one and done process. Some fears are with you since childhood and some from previous lifetimes that can stay with you for so long without you realising where its even come from. Fears will hold you back from reaching your goals, your dreams and your highest path. One way to really look at your fears honestly is by recognising when anger, rage or frustration comes up and tap into where its really coming from. Anger is so common with fears and usually is always attached to a fear of some sort. Journal around the emotion and really get to the bottom of why its come up. Sadness is another one, perhaps you are sad because you arent able to take off travelling with your family for a year. Well why? What is holding you back? Fear of failing, fear of it being a success, fear of it being horrible, fear of it causing riffs. Check in and see where the fear has come from then the best way to step through the fear is to know that absolutely everything has divine timing, everythng that appears in your life is for a reason and is meant to be and you are exactly where you are meant to be at every moment in your life. So really, there is no right or wrong, ever. There is only lessons, challenges, learning through pain or learning through taking action, living your life as youre called to do and no fear.
Just take a step!! Take some action. When fear has you tied down, where you just couldnt even imagine taking a step forward into the fear just do it anyone, but make it a small step, make a small plan to get yourself through the fear. List down some baby steps that progressively get bigger, make each step a little bit bigger than the last and commit to it! Make it the only thing you concentrate on until you no longer feel crippled by the fear. Maybe its making a big move to another state, you fear that your life will blow up in smoke if you move away from your family, friends, school, work etc etc. You fear that youre going to fail and be living the worst life possible but in your heart you know its what you really want but the fear strongly outweighs any joy you feel on this big decision. Make a list of progressive steps leading up to the move.
Look at areas
Find schools,/classes/activities/restaurants/yoga studios in that area
Look at rentals
Work out your costings to rent/bills/transport/moving/storage
Work out if driving or shipping your car is better
Look at the best time to travel
Perhaps book a trip to go look at said area, take a little holiday
Fall in love with the new area! (easy step)
Get home, start to look at your stuff, what can you get rid of, what could you take, have a garage sale, do some spring cleaning (just in case)
By this stage you should be pretty set, the fear should have subsided and you’re ready to jump into the deep end, or take that step off the plane and skydive into your new life. Take the final step, pull the trigger and be on your way to your new home!
MINDSET! This is a biggie, your mindset makes a huge difference to the life youre living and the life you could be living. If you are in a constant state of fear then this is not a good place to be. For one its damaging your body physically, chronic stress and fear puts the body on alert ALL THE TIME. You cant function properly, your digestive system will just shut up shop and you will feel like crap! You will also probably look the part too. So this is why your mindset matters, what you think you become, dark, negative fear energy will consume you on every level. So how to overcome this. A lovely lady I worked with many many moons ago gave me a small exercise to do when I was in a really dark place and quite lost. She got me to write down 10-20 things I was grateful of every single morning and night. Yes it took commitment and was a drag at the start but the difference in how things shifted was unbelievable. I did this for a week and my life changed, the people around me also shifted. I was a nanny at the time and my frequency by the end of the week was so much higher that it spilled over to the children I looked after and there were no more outbursts or fights, they were happy, we were all happy and loving it! Experiement, do this for yourself, switch this mindset over to a happy one, lift up your vibration, vibe at a higher frequency and the fears, doubts and self conscious will start to fade.
Most of all love who you are, where you are and where you’re about to go! Life is only going to get better as long as you put in the work and that good ol’ commitment. Life can truly be anything you want it to be.
Much Love!
Rebecca x.